The 1911 Jubiliary Festivity of Astra at Blaj

  • Constantin I. Stan “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: jubiliary festivity, Astra, Blaj, Andrei Bârseanu


The General Staff of Astra decided at Dej in 1910 that the next committee meeting would take place in 1911 at Blaj. This future moment was to be of great significance because it represented the celebration of half a century from the establishment of this important Romanian cultural institution. The anniversary was to take place in Blaj, a town famous for its Romanian scholastic and cultural traditions. It represented a critical contribution to the renaissance of the Romanian national movement.

How to Cite
Stan, C. (2017). The 1911 Jubiliary Festivity of Astra at Blaj. The Annals of "Dunarea De Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX, History, 16, 43-59.

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