The new academia of the Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest after 1948. The case of Paraschiva Iubu
Our belief is that the fundamental research of the history of architecture during the communist regime - school, guild and profession - is still in its incipient stages and, hence, all the repressive mechanisms that brutally mutated the Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest between 1944 and 1958 – via expulsions, exclusions, arrests and prison conviction – are quasi-unknown. All these callous interventions of the politics were based and implemented by the hard-core inside people, either students or teachers. Among them, an interesting case refers to the students who proved being compliant with the regime, as they had an unfailing involvement in all the 1945 – 1948 activities and who were later promoted to the position of assistant lecturers (1949), first of all for these merits. The text herein introduces the case of architect Paraschiva Iubu, a student (1939 – 1947) and a teacher starting with 1949, while including a contrastive analysis between her own testimony in 2005 and the lately reclaimed archive documents.