Sinagogile evreiești din Bacău în anii 1940-1941
The Jewish Synagoges of Bacău in the Years 1940-1941
This paper presents an inventory of the synagogues of the Bacău community during the first two years of the Antonescu regime (1940– 1944). Whereas the number of synagogues fluctuated, during the war, at least in 1940–1941, their number increased, as a result of evictions in the summer of 1941, when all Jews from Bacău County were forced to flee and to settle in the county capital. The inventory of these synagogues provides valuable data on the synagogues’ organization, movable and immovable property, income and expenditure, the number of parishioners and the number and type of religious services held in them. It should be said that some synagogues were requisitioned by the army and by other state institutions, so that their functioning as religious establishments was hampered.