The Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XIX, History 2023-03-15T11:18:00+02:00 George Enache Open Journal Systems <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>DOI</strong>: <a href=""></a></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>ISSN:</strong> 1583-7181 (print); 2344-472X (online)</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Frequency:</strong> annual (2002-)</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Subjects covered:</strong> ancient history, archeology, contemporary history, cultural history, cultural studies, ethnography, medieval history, modern history, oral history</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Contact:</strong></p> Cuprins 2023-03-15T09:21:01+02:00 *** *** <p>Cuprins</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Vasele otomane Karamürsel în secolele XVI-XVII. O istorie mediteraneană 2023-03-15T09:35:39+02:00 Cristian Nicolae Apetrei <p>This paper is a plea to study Ottoman vessels called <em>karamürsel</em>. Its aim is to emphasize the topic as being relevant not only to Ottoman maritime history, but also to the history of the early modern Mediterranean. In support of his thesis, the author provides various sources revealing the acquisition and capture of these ships by Western Christians in order to reuse them. This explains the presence of karamürsel vessels both on the sea routes linking Western Europe to the Ottoman Empire, and on the domestic routes of some of the Mediterranean maritime powers, such as Venice.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Historical-cultural references about the Greek-Romanian School of the Neamţ Monastery 2023-03-15T10:33:29+02:00 Vera Stigleţ <p>The range of the 19th-century priests who activated at the Neamț Monastery includes the archimandrite Neonil Buzilă. The account of his contribution to the actions of the ecclesiastical, cultural, and political life conducted within the premises of this place of worship has been published in scientific volumes. The paper features the outcomes of the cultural irradiation of Neonil’s School, reified in the training of specialised monks, translations, and typographer masters who disseminated their teachings and literacy. He was also a visionary as he predicted the role of education and culture in spiritual evolution. This study aims to bring new data regarding learning in the Neamț area.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The protection of motherhood and childhood in the Ukrainian gubernias of the Russian Empire in the first half of the XIXth Centuries: New approaches and alternative solutions 2023-03-15T10:41:30+02:00 Tetiana Morei <p>The materials of documents stored in the Kyiv archives (Kiev, Ukraine) investigate the problems of the birth of motherhood and childhood protection in the Ukrainian lands that have been part of the Russian Empire in the first half of the nineteenth century. We have analysed the historical, social, legal admeasurements that have influenced the establishment of the Institute of Motherhood and Childhood and highlighted the group of socially important and for our time questions, such as the functioning of medical districts, the financing of medical institutions, the organization of doctors’ and paramedics’ labour, the administration relationship with doctors etc.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The contribution of the monasteries in the counties of Neamţ and Roman to the Great Union 2023-03-15T10:37:14+02:00 Elena-Diana Spiridon <p>This article is presenting the perspectives regarding the contribution of the monasteries, priests and monks from de counties of Neamț and Roman to the Great Union in 1918. We note the contribution of monasteries where there was military hospital and orphanage for war orphans. Dozens of nuns from this monastery functioned as nurses in hospitals in Moldova. The contribution of nuns from the monastery who have worked in the front or in military hospitals should also not be forgotten. The Romanian Orthodox Church was an active participant, within its competences, in the War of National Unification.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Şcolile secundare din România în perioada 1918-1948 2023-03-15T10:50:01+02:00 Elena Constantin (Preda) <p>In the Romanian educational space, secondary education underwent various paradigm shifts, after 1919, having as main responsibility the formation of a nation with a deep general culture, formed for university education and prepared for raising the level of education throughout the country. According to the pedagogical currents of the time, secondary education was presented as an intellectual school, but with lower-than-expected performance, which led to the introduction of exams at the end of each school year and the baccalaureate exam in 1925, hoping to increase the quality of education and, consequently, to have well-prepared graduates. The impact produced by these changes led to the increase of philosophical education, starting with 1926, in the idea of training students in the spirit of conceptions about the world and life, as a result of finding that young people were disoriented, professionally. This type of education, focused on theorizing, developed to the detriment of realist education, reaching in the first half of the twentieth century the conclusion that in Romania were trained too many clerks and too few “people with a trade”. Only after the great economic crisis of 1931 the high school acquires practical orientation, and from 1934 it returns to the old form of high school, as a school of general culture, a school for the selection of intellectual elites.<br><em>Normal schools</em> are constantly evolving in number, immediately after the war, in line with democratic ideas and socio-political needs that required an educated citizen, able to manage the two consequences of electoral and agricultural reforms, the vote and private property. The <em>normal school</em>, in general, participated intensely in the increase of the educational level, especially in the rural environment, particularly in the conditions in which the number of teachers and the number of normal schools increase, so that in the interwar period the number of normal schools had reached 111, approximately two schools in each county, each school doubled the number of classes, the number of years of study increases from six years to seven years, by the law of 1924 and from seven years to eight years in 1931.<br>Individualism focused on the formation of the individual and starts from the fundamental premise that the human individual is of paramount importance in society. The society being made up of educated individuals, it had all the chances to become an educated society.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## New developments in the Pitesti Re-education experiment file in the communist Romania (1949-1951). Case of Iosif Fuchs 2023-03-15T10:54:08+02:00 Vlad Mitric-Ciupe <p>The phenomenon of Pitesti Re-education during communist Romania – from 1949 to 1951 – has made a lot of ink to flow and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. We are aware that there is a long list of questions unanswered or unsatisfactorily handled. Starting from the testimonies of survivors who make mentions about certain people less known who played an important and suspicious role in re-education, the name of Iosif Fuchs has caught up our attention in particular. Our text introduces us to his prison time circumstances, pointing out to many elements that are extremely intriguing, thus suggesting the importance of this individual and the consistency of the role he played within this phenomenon. What type of missions did he have, how he accomplished them, what were his activity results and the role he played within this phenomenon can only be guessed at, with future research hoping to bring further clarification.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Spaţii carcerale destinate minorilor în perioada comunistă (legislaţie şi practici) 2023-03-15T10:58:21+02:00 Daniela Iamandi <p>Between 1948 and 1968, an article in the Penal Code allowed the trial and sentencing of minors for political reasons in the regime intended for adults. Convicted teenagers were also used for work, in factories attached to some of the penitentiaries, as well as in forced labour camps and colonies until exhaustion.<br>Between 1948 and 1952, Târgșor prison functioned as a "children's prison". Since 1952, the Romanian communist system has created a network of triage centres and re-education colonies for minors over 11 years old, who committed crimes, including those "who did not properly respect the regime of popular democracy". These spaces provided, in addition to work, the schooling of convicted students. In reality, schooling was non-existent, as were other rights, such as food, visits, packages.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The role of oral history in urban studies of the late Stalin period (on the example of the Izmail region of the Ukrainian SSR) 2023-03-15T11:02:43+02:00 Oleksii Ilin <p>The article purposes are firstly to reveal the scientific potential of oral sources in urban studies of the late Stalin period; secondly to analyze the scientific potential of oral sources collected and published before; thirdly to investigate the features of oral sources of the Izmail region on our own collected materials. The scientific novelty is presented: firstly by analyzing degree of using oral sources in history studies of the region; secondly the oral archives of the Izmail region, as well as published oral sources were studied; thirdly features of oral sources of the Izmail region on our own material have been characterized. The conclusions. Oral sources are widely used by Ukrainian historians to study different aspects of the Izmail region history, such as famine and everyday life. The informative potential of oral sources had been collected before is significant, especially of the archive of the Center for Oral History of the Izmail State University of Humanities. However, the number of published transcripts is still insufficient. Having conducted our research, we can follow some features of oral sources of the Izmail region: 1) the elderly age of the respondents; 2) unwillingness to make contact and fear of the interviewer; 3) important, but not the determining factor in the quality of the interview is the respondent level of education; 4) use of predominantly Russian language; 5) a significant predominance of women in this age group.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Putin, Patriarhul Kirill şi „Teroriştii Gay” 2023-03-15T11:14:20+02:00 George Enache <p>This article aims to shed light on the role played by the Russian Orthodox Church in the war in Ukraine and also how religion is being used to build the ideology of the "Russian World" promoted by President Putin.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Consideraţii privind importanţa unei litoteci arheologice în cercetarea microregională a artefactelor litice. studiu de caz: descoperirile neo-eneolitice din depresiunea Neamţ-Topoliţa 2023-03-15T09:26:57+02:00 Traian Anton <p>In-depth knowledge of the sources of supply of lithic and nonlithic raw materials, used in Neolithic and Eneolithic sites, represents one of the important challenges of archaeological, archaeometric, geological research, in a continuous multi- and interdisciplinary approach. In this sense, for the multilateral investigation of Neolithic and Eneolithic lithic tools, the establishment and operationalization of microzonal and regional archaeological lithothecs is essential.<br>In the present work, the author presents a brief history of archaeological lithothecs and their current status worldwide and the Romanian experience in this field. In order to achieve an applied treatment, it shows what were the concerns related to the petroarchaeological research on the Neolithic and Eneolithic lithic artifacts discovered in the Neamt subcarpathian depressions and pleads for the necessity and importance of creating a microzonal archaeological lithotheque (Cracău-Bistrița and Neamț-Topolița Depression), focusing - and the approach to the last geographical subunit, as a necessary condition for making real steps forward in this complex field.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Middle Prut Depression. Preliminary Data on new Archaeological Field Surveys 2023-03-15T09:31:45+02:00 Dumitru-Ionuţ Stigleţ Victor Iulian Maftei <p>The archaeological field survey within micro-zonal units may bring a relevant set of information for remodelling the inhabited spaces of the prehistorical period.<br>Presently, due to interdisciplinary research, we can access several working tools able to provide data on the presence of human communities in various territories. By joining these research methods, our purpose is to present in the following lines the methodological approach leading to the identification of these unpublished sites in the southwest of the Middle Prut Depression, a microregion extending in the northeast of Romania, in the northwest of the Republic of Moldova and the southwest of Ukraine.<br>According to the preliminary data obtained from the investigation of the archaeological material sampled, we attributed these unpublished archaeological sites to the late period of the Bronze Age, the Noua Culture (1600-1200 BCE).<br>The archaeological field survey is ongoing; thus, it will keep generating new data, to be presented gradually by the authors.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mănăstirea Secu – câteva consideraţii istorice 2023-03-15T09:45:00+02:00 Viorel-Romus Laiu <p>The study aims to present the most important aspects of the past of the Secu monastery, starting from its foundation until the beginning of the 20th century.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Vectori ai intereselor austriece în navigaţia pe Dunărea românească 1830 – 1878 2023-03-15T09:52:34+02:00 Ionel Constantin Mitea <p>The study aims at a brief analysis of the presence and activity in Romanian ports, for the period 1830 - 1878, of the shipping companies <em>Donaudampfschiffahrtsgessellschaft</em> (DDSG) and <em>Österreichischer Lloyd</em> - Austrian Lloyd, as vectors of Austrian interests on the Maritime Danube.<br>The two shipping companies received substantial subsidies and support from the Austrian imperial authorities, which enabled them to develop strong capabilities for the reference period and to have supremacy in river navigation. The first stage of the evolution of these companies on the Romanian Danube was focused on the development of passenger traffic, later, the commercial component acquiring a special importance with the full entry of the ports of Brăila and Galați in the routes of the great international trade.</p> 2023-03-15T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##