Heavy metal determination in agricultural soil collected from Brăila County

  • Alina Sion Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
  • Antoaneta Ene Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
  • Ariana Pătrașcu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: soil analysis, agriculture, migration index, ecological risk of heavy metals in vegetables, XRF


This is a study conducted on agricultural soil collected from village of Dudescu, Zăvoaia Commune, Însurăței City, Brăila County. In this case soybeans, sunflowers, corn and wheat have been cultivated prior the soil sampling. The soil was analyzed using an ED-XRF and the results indicated, in general, elements concentrations within normal values, indicating a good soil quality. The exceptions in this study, which have exceeded the normal legal values, were: chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and arsenic (As). To assess the level of soil pollution, different types of indexes were calculated such as the migration index (MI) and the ecological risk potential (RI).


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How to Cite
Sion, A., Ene, A. and Pătrașcu, A. (2023) “Heavy metal determination in agricultural soil collected from Brăila County”, Analele Universității ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula II, Matematică, fizică, mecanică teoretică / Annals of the ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle II, Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, 2(46), pp. 72-78. doi: https://doi.org/10.35219/ann-ugal-math-phys-mec.2023.2.03.

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