The ambient noise level in the city of Galati and surroundings

  • Romana Maria Draşovean Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
  • Simona Condurache-Bota Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
  • Nicolae Tigau Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
  • Gabriel Murariu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: noise level, frequency filters, Galati


The intense and sustained noise to which we are subjected can cause disorders of the auditory system. It affects especially those who suffer from heart problems, but it also has dramatic consequences on the nervous system. It can cause stress, depression, sleep disturbances, cognitive problems and reduced ability to concentrate. The city of Galati is located in the southeastern part of Romania, in the southeastern part of the county with the same name. Galati ranked fifth in terms of noise pollution and unfortunately the local authorities do not run any noise reduction or control program. Through this paper we want to join those who sound the alarm to the authorities to take concrete measures in order to manage and control noise pollution. Data were collected in different areas of the city of Galati and its surroundings. Equivalent noise level was determined with a professional digital acoustic sound level meter with two frequency filters: “A” and “C”. The device can record sound values between 30 dB-130 dB in the 31.3 Hz and 8 kHz range. In general, the sound level exceeded the maximum admissible limit or came close to this value.


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How to Cite
Draşovean, R., Condurache-Bota, S., Tigau, N. and Murariu, G. (2023) “The ambient noise level in the city of Galati and surroundings”, Analele Universității ”Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula II, Matematică, fizică, mecanică teoretică / Annals of the ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle II, Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, 2(46), pp. 101-114. doi:

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