The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XVIII: Philosophy 2023-04-19T10:53:14+03:00 Liviu Iulian COCEI Open Journal Systems <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">ISSN 2784 – 2088<br>ISSN – L 1583 – 512X</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">Subject covered: philosophy</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">Contact:</p> Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus la 100 de ani (II) 2023-04-12T10:58:46+03:00 Iulian Grigoriu <p>In the first part of this article, I highlighted the most important moments and events related to the appearance of the <em>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus</em>, facts of a subjective and objective nature related to Wittgenstein's biography that contributed to or opposed the appearance of the famous op. Next, I intend to review the most important lines of reception and reading models of the Tractatus and to frame the exegesis according to the philosophical valences with different stakes that have appeared over 100 years of reception.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Le vitrail entre quête de spiritualité et de lumière 2023-04-19T10:53:14+03:00 Leila Haj Sadok <p>In this research the problem proposed is the following: to what extent the abundance of light in the painting on glass presents a manifestation of the spirit, in other words to what extent the abundance of light in the painting on glass represents a spiritual dimension? In the first part of this research, it will be a question of a definition of key words: abundance, light, painting on glass and the mind. What is meant by abundance of light? Is it a mass of light? Is the unintelligible representable in art? Can we say that the light is an estimate or an approximation of the mind? The essence of this research is to show how difficult it is to represent the mind. In order to answer all these questions, this research will be based on the concept of the symbol and the "Kunstreligion" in the Hegelian system and it will also be based on Goethe's novel "Elective Affinities" and "Writings on the art ". The second part of this research is devoted to the analysis of two examples of painters who worked on stained glass. The first is German, Josef Albers (1888-1976) and the second is French, Auguste Herbin (1882-1960). Both are part of the artistic movement of abstract art. Each of them worked on the interaction of colors and spoke of the impossibility of a reaction between them? They also geometrized abstract shapes and composed with their own plastic alphabet. But, can it be spiritual? This analysis will refer to the iconic and material field followed by an interpretation.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Caracterul fictiv al condiţiei personale (ātman), conform budhismului Yogācāra 2023-04-12T11:06:43+03:00 Ovidiu Cristian Nedu <p>According to Yogācāra, the Idealistic stream of Mahāyāna Buddhism, personhood is not based on an entity but rather on a fictitious projection. This illusory identity is experienced by the mind (<em>manas</em>); in Yogācāra philosophical jargon, “mind” refers to that function of consciousness through which some experiences are appropriated (<em>upā-dā</em>) and turned into a self (<em>ātman</em>).<br>All the subsequent individual experiences of the “individual being” take place within the frame of this illusion projected by the mind. The limitations each individual being experiences are explained by Yogācāra Buddhism through the fact that the person is always ”wrapped” in the illusion of individuality projected by the mind. The mind becomes the root of all evil, the primary origin of bondage. The entire soteriological effort of Yogācāra will be directed towards the annihilation of this “mind”.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Limbajul şi corpul cinematografului. Funcţia Chaplin şi aporiile lui Zenon 2023-04-12T11:22:40+03:00 Bogdan George Silion <p>Charles Spencer Chaplin has meant for cinematography, as much as, let’s say, Van Gogh for painting. Contemporary with the beginning of “the art of moving images”, the director, the producer, the composer and the actor Chaplin is the creator of the first cinema character, Charlot, the one who made the first movie viewers smile. Yet, beyond the aspects related to the aesthetics of the cinema and the emotions transmitted by the inhabitants of the shadows behind the screen, the movie brings about a language, a body, a brain. The Chaplin function represents the ontological, space-time coordinates around which the syntax of cinematography is building itself. Exactly like the aporia of Zenon, the Chaplin function talks to us about movement and the thought of the movement itself, the one which creates the illusion of cinematography. We consider that a study about the ontology of moving images cannot overpass the phenomenology of the corporality of the matter of the movie, set by the Great Mime, Charlie Chaplin. The hermeneutics of the cinematography language sends us back in time, to the one for whom things and objects are merely tools, which once introduced the world of Charlot, reached the point of acting like the objects of reasoning of Zenon, the eleatic. Welcome to Chaplin’s world, the perfect reply to our world!</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Logosul în literatura filosofică şi literatura patristică 2023-04-12T11:54:56+03:00 Vasile R. Todoran <p>The present study aims to present some philosophical, patristic and mystical aspects regarding how the concept of logos has evolved in the formulation and understanding of this word. The philosophical dimension exposes the logos through the vision of the philosophers of late antiquity, with patristic theology and mystical theology subsequently enriching the meaning of the concept of Logos. Thus, the philosophical vision saw the logos in relation to man, the world and the cosmos, while Patristic Theology and Mystical Theology related the Logos to the Person of the Savior Jesus Christ. Mysticism is seen as an ontological union rather than a psychological condition, and by Mystical Theology, we mean the mysterious knowledge of God.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Charter Cities (Oraşele-cartă) şi viitorul democraţiei participative 2023-04-12T12:16:31+03:00 Alexandra Lucia Teodorescu <p>The main goal of this paper is to present a concept that is not well known in our country and that offers lots of potential outlets for the participatory government. Charter cities have existed for centuries, but as small islands of decentralisation in a world with a constant trend towards accumulation and centralisation of power. Although considered by many as utopian as Thomas Morus’ utopia, the concept can be inspiring for policymakers inclined towards more individual freedom. Positive elements of charter cities can be borrowed to be used in modern mechanisms of participatory democracy. The paper will also explore the perspective of how participatory democracy is possible in this day and age. In the end, my claim is that the framework of charter cities should not be rejected as a potential model for improving our soaring democracies.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Ce (mai) este omul? 2023-04-12T12:26:44+03:00 Mihai Androne <p>Various answers have been given over time to the question ‘What is man?’. Philosophy and theology have been constantly concerned with the origin of man and the human condition, often trying to identify the differences (and thereby similarities) between man and other living beings. Man’s self-knowledge and knowledge of the world he inhabits are interdependent, as emphasized by both ancient and medieval philosophy and by modern (Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche) and contemporary thinking. The answer to the question ‘What is man?’ is not only important cognitively but also morally.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Recenzie: Liviu Iulian Cocei: Homo ironicus. O abordare antropologică a ironiei filosofice, Editura Eikon, Bucureşti, 2022 2023-04-12T12:28:41+03:00 Ivan Ivlampie <p>Cine suntem, care ne sunt strămoşii, cât de adâncă ne este originea – sunt întrebări ale fiecărui ins curios în privinţa propriei genealogii, dar mai ales sunt întrebările majore ale umanităţii. În acest al doilea caz, spectacolul căutărilor şi al răspunsurilor este fascinant.</p> 2023-04-12T00:00:00+03:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##