Vindecarea sufletească şi trupească, darul Sfântului Duh în Taina Sfântului Maslu

  • Sorin Marinescu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: healing, personal being, uncreated divine energies, Christ the Healer, Sacrament of Holy Unction, communion


The editing of the present study starts from the finding that the common place of the different debates is represented by the material crisis from the global level, considered a refl exion of the spiritual crisis too, that is resented the most acutely by the one that has determined it, the contemporary man. The most dramatic effects of this crisis can be remarked at a personal level, thus more and more people being affected by major psicho-somatic disequilibrium, incarnated in body or soul diseases. The healing, on one way or another, has become a real obsession, the more so as the perspective of discovering a panacea seems far and far away.
It is considered that a double delimitation of this concept of healing in the Christian religion would impose. On one hand, towards the dual conception of the modern alopat medicine that tributary to a mechanical vision on the world totally separates the human being’s soul and body, treating the soul diseases different from the body diseases, thus losing an unitary perspective. On the other hand, it is very important the delimitation of the concept of selfhealing, present nowadays in the oriental philosophies, where the oriental society has become extremely transparent in the last decades, these philosophies excluding the need of the presence of a Saviour who can off er the healing gift.
Referring to the first division mentioned, this study show that, in the light of the divine Revelation, the human being was created by God after His image, that is a personal being, doesn’t consist only in soul or only in body, but in their intermission, in their mysterious interdependence. The health estate is defined by the Holy Fathers as equilibrium of the natural energies both of the body and the soul, which are in harmony due to the divine grace. Secondly, Saviour Christ is the only Healer of the fallen human nature and the healing is received by the human person – body and soul – as a gift, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, in the Sacraments, especially to that of the Holy Unction, reintegration in holy communion with Christ, in the Church.


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How to Cite
Marinescu, S. (2012). Vindecarea sufletească şi trupească, darul Sfântului Duh în Taina Sfântului Maslu. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 11, 94-107. Retrieved from