Practici necanonice şi neliturgice legate de săvârşirea Tainei Sfântului Maslu

  • Nicolae D. Necula Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul“, Bucureşti
Keywords: uncanonical practices, non-liturgical, service the sacrament, Holy Unction


The Holy Unction, and especially the common one, is an admirable means of pastoration, a way to bring the believers to the church and keep them connected; it is a work to meet and resolve their spiritual needs. In this regard, it would be desirable to preserve its character and purpose of healing and sanctifying work and not turn it into a means of solving all problems and difficulties of life, substituting other mysteries, religious and sanctifying services, or even make it trivial or as simple as a common prayer or an absolution prayer. This study refers to uncanonical and non-liturgical practices related to the Sacrament of Holy Unction service. In order to properly service this Sacrament, our study refers to the celebrant of the sacrament, the utterance of the prayer of blessing oil, the seven holy anointings with oil. It also examines the form of the Sacrament and the opening of the Holy Gospel over the heads of the sick faithful, analyzing and penalizing bad practices employed by some ministers within this Holy Sacrament.

How to Cite
Necula, N. (2012). Practici necanonice şi neliturgice legate de săvârşirea Tainei Sfântului Maslu. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 11, 199-209. Retrieved from

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