Noi cercetări privind genealogia familiei Moruzi

  • Florin Marinescu Institutul de Studii Neoelenice, Atena
Keywords: Moruzi family, genealogy, documents, collections


The article has for a subject the unpublished sources related to Moruzi family genealogy, which was my subject study, for 30 years. Thus, I have identified the documents from the Center Studies of the New Elenis, at the Ethnographic and Historical
Society Archives, at the Amelieion Orphanage and also Elpis Hospital. I also got in touch with collectors, which owns the Moruzi documents. All these approaches, will result in addition of the Greek edition of Moruzi family genealogy.


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How to Cite
Marinescu, F. (2011). Noi cercetări privind genealogia familiei Moruzi. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 10, 125-130. Retrieved from
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