Perspective europene în sistemuleducaţional românesc. Studiu de caz: Rolul profesorului de Educaţie fizică şi sport

  • Cristian Ștefan Liușnea Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: physical education, teacher, history, educational model, values of the society


In this paper, we set out to talk about the role of the physical education teacher is particularly important, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field, as well as the impact that its activity has on the formation of students’ personality and last but not least, due to the fact that the physical education lesson compensates for their other teaching activities, which are predominantly sedentary. Since the beginning of the 19th century, young Romanians, who studied abroad, returning to the country, gradually introduced Romanian schools.
In this context, since 1850, gymnastics appears as an object of education in the curriculum of secondary schools in Moldova. Currently, Romanian education returns to European models through the content of training in general and the possibility to ensure not only a unitary education, but also one that allows the delimitation of particular training routes. At the same time, from a pedagogical point of view, specialists talk about education in order to adopt an active life, but also about education through sport.
The teacher is, through playful activities, closest to young people, who can participate in physical education lessons of pleasure, without stressful constraints, motivated and encouraged to adopt the values promoted by sports: fair play/respect for the opponent, honor, courage, honor, discipline, teamwork, emotional balance, etc. Through extracurricular activities, the physical education teacher can appeal to the interdisciplinary and complementary nature of the discipline, performing activities of a mathematical, ethnographic and historical nature (trips, and learning dance games specific to certain communities), theology and literature (reading at the library and making portfolios), biology (nature trips and observations on pollution factors), etc. On the other hand, young people live in a constantly moving world, so teachers have a responsibility to adapt to new requirements, while preserving the values of the society in which they live.


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How to Cite
Liușnea, C. (2022). Perspective europene în sistemuleducaţional românesc. Studiu de caz: Rolul profesorului de Educaţie fizică şi sport. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 19, 317-330. Retrieved from