Ortodoxia între raţionalism şi raţionalitate la Sfântul Vasile cel Mare. Un posibil răspuns la o nedreaptă acuză adusă neamului nostru

  • Gheorghe Butuc Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: Orthodoxy, rationalism, rationality, Saint Basil, unjust accusation


In this study I will not do an analysis of Saint Basil the Great’s thinking, not even an introspection into his work, but starting from an chosen text (I would say randomly, with the conviction that there are many such texts in his work) we will try to understand a specifically Orthodox way of thinking regarding reason, both in its general sense, but also in its particular aspect, of a typical human function. Starting from this, I will try a possible response to some accusations against Orthodoxy (from our Romanian space and not only), that it might be too “slow” and devoid of social dynamics (and even missionary), precisely because it does not emphasize particularly the outer “miracles“ of reason.


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How to Cite
Butuc, G. (2024). Ortodoxia între raţionalism şi raţionalitate la Sfântul Vasile cel Mare. Un posibil răspuns la o nedreaptă acuză adusă neamului nostru. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 21, 192-223. Retrieved from https://www.gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/teologie/article/view/6773