Natural convection in the boundary layer of a vertical wall of constant mass flux and temperature embedded in a darcy mass stratified porous medium

  • Maria Neagu "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Manufacturing Engineering Department, Galati, Romania
Keywords: finite difference method, natural convection, porous medium, scale analysis


This paper presents the analysis of the natural convection in the boundary layer of a vertical impermeable semi-infinite wall of constant mass flux and temperature embedded in a Newtonian fluid-saturated Darcy mass-stratified porous medium. Using the scale analysis method, this work determines the two possible successions of the heat and mass driven convection regimes that attain the equilibrium state along the wall. The finite difference method applied to the mathematical model verifies these successions for two particular parameter sets.


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How to Cite
Neagu M. Natural convection in the boundary layer of a vertical wall of constant mass flux and temperature embedded in a darcy mass stratified porous medium. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 12Nov.2017 [cited 20Sep.2024];35:13-0. Available from: