Analysis Regarding the Axioms and Paradigms of Communication in Sports

  • Cătălina Ababei "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău
  • Alina Ababei "Alecu Russo" School of Bacău
Keywords: information, reality, behavior


"The notion of paradigm is correlated to the one of meaning. The purpose of any mental process is to contribute to the emergence of a meaning. The paradigm is a coherent ensemble of representations that serve as frame of reference for the research community in a scientific field. Through the paradigm, the external reality is transformed into internal, cognitive reality, into representation, and is developed due to the mental framework" (Georgescu M., 2007).
Each of us lives in societies that a priori impose norms of communication and behavior. Thus, the only method of gaining information is the cognitive processing, the instruments of study being excluded. Because of the subjectivity and impartiality of the researchers, who often tend to confuse the interior and the exterior, the subject and the object, the paradigm transforms into reality. What remains fundamental, however, is the fact that the paradigm must not be the central focus of the researcher's attention, because this is the only shield against the feeling of power of scientism.


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How to Cite
Ababei, C. and Ababei, A. (2017) “Analysis Regarding the Axioms and Paradigms of Communication in Sports”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 1, pp. 4-8. Available at: (Accessed: 19February2025).

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