Sociometric Study Concerning the Opinion of the 1st Year Students from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Galati (F.S.P.E.) on the Programme "Theory and Didactics of Physical Education and Sports"

  • George Dănuț Mocanu "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: sociometric investigation, theoretical activities, intellectual effort, specific notions, skills


The programme “Theory and teaching methodology of physical education
and sports” is part of the fundamental and compulsory category, being
included in the 1st year syllabus – Bachelor´ s level. The present paper aims
at closely examining the opinions of the students interviewed once they have
completed the activities specific to this discipline, with a view to pointing out
both the positive and the negative aspects. Every piece of gathered
information has been interpreted, graphically represented and commented
on, the results being an important step in improving the specific activities
and the content of the programme but also in removing the negative
elements pointed out by the students. The present study has stemmed from
the necessity to harmonise the existing study programmes with the
requirements of the similar European ones while taking into account the
national realities, needs and evolution of the educational system. The variety
and complexity of the questions addressed to the students have led to a most
thorough and faithful depiction of the important role this discipline plays in
the professional development of graduates to be.


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How to Cite
Mocanu, G. (2014) “Sociometric Study Concerning the Opinion of the 1st Year Students from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Galati (F.S.P.E.) on the Programme "Theory and Didactics of Physical Education and Sports"”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 1, pp. 97-105. Available at: (Accessed: 14February2025).