The Importance, Role and Influence of Movement Games in Raising Skill Development to Children in the Primary School

  • Liliana Nanu “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: physical education, motor qualities, skill, movement games


This paper aims at highlighting the level of skill development of children in the primary school as a result of the use of movement games within the physical education lessons.
Physical education and sports, especially at the level of primary education, represent basic tools of the didactic approach. Through physical exercises they aim ateducating and developing the motor skills of children, providing a sound and harmonious development of the body, improving their health state, but also developing the intellectualabilities and the personality and character traits.
The motor qualities represent important qualities of the human body that determine the possibility or impossibility of achieving motor acts and actions(Mitra G. and Mogoş A., 1980; Dragu M., 2010).
Skill as a complex motor quality is defined as a form of expression of motor actions and aquick adaptation to various situations(Alexe N., 1993; Dragnea A. and Mate-Teodorescu S., 2002).
For these reasons, the development of motor qualities is a didactic objective present in all curricula, having clear reference points regarding the degree of development for different age categories.


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How to Cite
Nanu, L. (2016) “The Importance, Role and Influence of Movement Games in Raising Skill Development to Children in the Primary School”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 2, pp. 72-76. Available at: (Accessed: 14February2025).