Study Regarding the Contribution of Exercises’ Complex specific to Gymnastics on the Development of Mobility at the Level of the 4th Class

  • Florian Benedek University „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava
  • Bogdan-Marius Grosu University „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava
Keywords: physical education, complex of exercises, mobility


During the development of the society, physical education has known flourishing periods, but also moments of decline. The essence of physical education is that the practice of physical exercise regardless of the organizational form and the social-economic and political organizational that is done, concerns mainly, the improvement of physical development of the motility ability of the subjects. In this study we try to demonstrate that using the complex of exercises specific to gymnastics we can develop to a greater extent the students ' mobility from the 4th class. This experiment aimed at developing mobility. The experiment took place at two classes of the same level, 4th class. The experimental class was made of students from the 4th A class with a flock of 14 students (10 boys and 4 girls), and the witness class was made of students from the 4th B class, with a flock of 14 students (7 boys and 7 girls).The assumption that we went to was the following: can we develop mobility by using specific gymnastics exercises?
TEST I - Sitting on the bench gym, outstretched arms overhead, trunk bending forward with outstretched arms down, and knees will be stretched. It will measure the inches left at the fingertips until the gym bench and they will be noted with (-) if the fingertips do not reach the gym bench, with (0) if the fingertips reach the gym bench and with (+) if the fingertips reach below the level of gym bench.
TEST II - Each student will perform the hip bridge and he will have to maintain it for 3 seconds. It will also check how many children from the whole class will be able to execute the bridge up. In both tests the experimental group achieved better results compared to experimental group. As a conclusion we can say that the use of specific exercises gymnastics complexes subjects developed significant mobility.


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How to Cite
Benedek, F. and Grosu, B.-M. (2015) “Study Regarding the Contribution of Exercises’ Complex specific to Gymnastics on the Development of Mobility at the Level of the 4th Class”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 1, pp. 22-26. Available at: (Accessed: 14February2025).