Determination of deformations and of indirect stress in the double hull panel by FEM in a container ship of 3451 TEU

  • Anişoara - Gabriela Cristea “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: normal stresses, specific deformations, numerical modeling.


This paper presents the determination of deformations and of indirect stress in the double hull panel by FEM in a container ship of 3451 TEU. The idea of FEM consists in modeling the field studied through a set of finite-size elements, connected to each other in a number of nodal points in which solution is searched. The relationship between generalized displacements and generalized forces of an element is made through the stiffness matrix, usually obtained on the Ritz or Galerkin methods. To be more certain about the results obtained from the analysis, a more complex structure has been built that gives a more accurate construction of the ship.Following the comparisons made between the analyzes of the two structures, the results are recorded in a chart where one can easily see the differences and similarities between the two results.



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How to Cite
Cristea A- G. Determination of deformations and of indirect stress in the double hull panel by FEM in a container ship of 3451 TEU. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2018 [cited 20Feb.2025];41:85-0. Available from: