Small ships manoeuvring estimation in displacement domain

  • Dan Obreja “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: small ships, displacement domain, turning circle characteristics, computer code.


The manoeuvring performance estimation of the small ships is an important issue starting with the preliminary design stage. In this paper, is presented a synthetic description of the mathematical model propose by Mordvinov, in order to calculate the turning circle characteristics of the small ships in displacement domain. On the basis of this model, a computer code was developed in the Research Centre of the Naval Architecture Faculty from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati and was integrated in the PHP (Preliminary Hydrodynamics Performance) software platform. A practical demonstration is performed, by using a small ship with about 15 m in length. This computer code is used for didactical applications at the Naval Architecture Faculty.


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How to Cite
Obreja D. Small ships manoeuvring estimation in displacement domain. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2017 [cited 13Feb.2025];40:31-6. Available from:

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