Verification and validation study for the total ship resistance of the DTMB 5415 ship model
The present study describes the viscous flow simulation of the bare hull ship resistance of the DTMB 5415 model ship. The study includes computations for ship resistance as well as free-surface and sinkage and trim prediction for three different Froude numbers. Computations are performed using the ISIS-CFD solver included in FineTM/Marine software available under the NUMECA suite where the discretization in space is based on finite volume method using unstructured grid. The Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved in a quasi-static approach where the turbulence is modeled by making use of the k-ω SST model. Four different computational grids were generated for performing a verification and validation study based on Richardson extrapolation method. Results are compared with the benchmark experimental data provided in the Gothenburg workshop on CFD in ship hydrodynamics in 2010. Validation of the numerical results shows a reasonable agreement with the experimental data.
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