Considerations on the cooling systems from naval diesel engines

  • Mihai Simionov “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: cooling system, naval Diesel engine, cavitations processes, cylinder liner, cylinder block.


Cooling liquids used in cooling systems from naval Diesel engines are subjected to important processes like the cavitations process. These processes involve studies concerning coolants, additives used for coolants, materials used for manufactured cylinder liners, cylinder block and functional parameters from Diesel engines. Water is the most used liquid for naval cooling systems. The cavitations process is seen in different domains such as hydro and thermal energy, nuclear technologies, chemical industry, where there are liquids in movement which are influenced by the mechanical properties of the liquid.


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How to Cite
Simionov M. Considerations on the cooling systems from naval diesel engines. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2015 [cited 19Sep.2024];38:57-0. Available from: