Some appreciations concerning the performance indicators of the maritime ship repairs shipyards

  • Emil Manea Constanta Shipyard – Romania, Greece Branch Office
Keywords: performance indicators, shipyards, ship repairs, shipyards management, strategy, quality management.


An organization, to effectively use the information obtained from measuring performance, has to make the transition from measuring range to analysis and decision, which represents performance management. This offers the possibility for the performance indicators measurements analysis, which helps define the major objectives of the organization, on different terms and main ways of achieving them, together with the resources allocated to achieve a competitive advantage in the field. The performance indicators can be strategic, managerial and operational, measuring three components - business, profitability and productivity. The results monitor the activities performed and costs incurred, constituting the standard measure that allows to examine and highlight strategies for sustainability objectives achievement. The paper presents a series of personal observations and comments regarding performance indicators - as a result of its author’s professional experience - and leads to the conclusion that the options for a performance-oriented shipyard strategy should be developed based on its own business characteristics through the following: agresive marketing – low costs; strategic alliance with the equipment suppliers - differentiating services; orientation towards a particular ships market segment – focusing.


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How to Cite
Manea E. Some appreciations concerning the performance indicators of the maritime ship repairs shipyards. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 26Nov.2019 [cited 12Sep.2024];42:73-0. Available from: