Numerical investigations of the free surface flow around a surface piercing hydrofoil

  • Costel Ungureanu Bureau Veritas Romania Bucharest
Keywords: free surface flow, NACA 0012, URANS, VOF, open channel flow.


Starting with January 2013, naval architects faces new challenges, as all ships greater than 400 tons must comply with energy efficiency index (MPEC 62, 2011). From ship hydrodynamics point of view one handy solution is using Energy Saving Devices (ESD), with the main purpose to improve the flow parameters entering the propeller. For ballast loading condition the ESD may intersect the free surface disturbing and complicating the flow due to free surface /boundary layer interaction, turbulence and breaking wave effects that coexist and which are not completely clarified so far. Therefore, a free surface flow around a NACA 0012 surface piercing hydrofoil is numerically investigated and the results are compared to experimental results obtained in the Towing Tank of the Naval Architecture Faculty, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. The comparison includes drag and free surface elevation on hydrofoil surface together with numerical uncertainty.


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How to Cite
Ungureanu C. Numerical investigations of the free surface flow around a surface piercing hydrofoil. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 3Dec.2021 [cited 7Mar.2025];44:87-4. Available from: