Louis de Bonald: prefaţă la teoria puterii politice şi religioase în societatea civilă, demonstrată cu ajutorul raţiunii şi al istoriei

  • Sergiu Tofan Dunarea de Jos University of Galati


Born in 1754 at the Castle Monna in Millau (Aveyon)  - where actually he will die, Luis de Bonald was a great figure of his time. As a remarkable politician L. de Bonald is the author of some political ideas. In 1796 he published his work (that can be considered the most important of his writings): The Theory of the Political and Religious Power in the Civil Society, Demonstrated with the help of the Reason and History. This book represents a critique of what means individualism and contractualism. Inspired by Aristotle and Tomas D’Aquino, Bonald defines society as being natural and not as a result of the contract between peoples. Society imposes itself in relation with the individual, the last one being obligated to respect its laws. Another idea is that authority is not the result of the independent wills of citizens and, in this context, Bonald thinks that the real base foe a society is monarchy. In this situation for authority of the King has a divine origin.

Other writings: - 1802 – Primitive Legislation

                            1812 – Philosophical Researches

                            1827 – Demonstration of the Constitutive Principle of the Society.
