Găsindu-L pe Dumnezeu (O încercare de revizuire a argumentului ontologic)

  • Paul Blănaru Dunarea de Jos University of Galati


This text aims to be, as shown in the subtitle, a trial to revise the way the contemporary world views the arguments for the existence of a divine being. We can’t and we won’t pretend that our analysis is a complete success. In essence, what we dared to say is that, in short, we can’t find God only through our own rational efforts, mentioning also the fact that the theist arguments have the bad part of tackling the superior limit of reason in trying to understand the Supreme Being. To support our thesis, we brought in forward the opinions of thinkers as Anton I. Adamut, Alexander Baugarten or Jean Borella.

Andrei Plesu declared in a TV show that every man asking himself about who he is and what his role in the world will inevitably deal with the problem of divinity. Although we have a subjective insight, because we eagerly reject agnosticism as being a process of stepping out of the game, the problem of God’s presence deserves, in modern times, an important place among other intellectual pursues of this psycho-somatic whole we call homo sapiens.
