Ipostaze şi încarnaţii ale Răului în romanul lui Dostoievski. Prinţul Mâşkin – model hristico-demonic?

  • Sorin Atanasiu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati


The intrusion in the vastness of the human soul is the greatest adventure. Dostoievski is a down-walker, he falls into the deepest twilight. Down there is no light, there are just unrest, sinuous feelings, mysterious energies.

Dostoievski is a metaphysician, an analyst before Freud or Jung.

He has shown us the figures that live in everybody. They are powerful and opposite, and real. The archetypes are incarnated in all heroes. For example, Maskin is a christic one, Rogojin is disputed between Good and Evil (God and Satan, if you prefer personalized variation), Nastasia represents the sacred whore. The approach is authentic.

Dostoievski has the right attitude. He is a witness of inferno. The road to the Good flows through the Evil matrix. After gnashing teeth you’ll see the dawn of a new day, depend on you.
