Lucian Blaga şi perspectiva metafizică asupra istoriei / Lucian Blaga and the Metaphysical Perspective On History

  • Ştefan Munteanu „George Bacovia” University of Bacău
Keywords: metaphysics, stylistic categories, the Great Anonymous, metaphysics of history, luciferical mode of existence, paradiscal mode of existence


       The present work starts from the hypothesis that in Lucian Blaga’s creation one may discover some interesting elements of approaching history from a metaphysically perspective. This leads to the result that the romanian philosopher realises an originally synthesis between the fundamental grounds of the ancient metaphysics and the ideas through which the new metaphysics tries to obtain the importance known before its confrountation with Kant’s agnosticisms.

       In Blaga’s conception, metaphysics is the essential condition of any authentically philosophical creation. But in constrast to post-kantian thinkers, engaged in restauring the dogmatisms regarding the access of metaphysics to the absolute, he considers that more than knowledge, metaphysics is a creation in which philosophy combines with myth. Having such an understanding, the metaphysics of the history he builds is based upon three elements: The Great Unknown/ Anonymous, the world and the human.

        The Great Anonymous, a product of Blaga’s imagination searching the ultimate sense, is the generating center of the whole world existence, with all its divine  qualities, but with its demonic – ones too. The world, that is the place where history develops, comprises the bulk of physical conditions that influence the evolution of events. And the human, a product of the evolution, through morphological and ontological changes is characterised through two  ways of existence: paradisical (within the horizon of the given world) and lucipherical (within the horison of mistery). The fact of recording history is a dimension of the human, that is of the lucipheric one whose imagination is shaped by the stylistic field.

        Consequently, the metaphysics of style takes the shape of a metaphysics of history, that is nothing but a mixture of secret significances.
