Freudo-marxism utopic – o critică a teoriei critice / Utopic freudo-marxism – one critic of the critical theory

  • Izabella Ghiţă University of Bucharest
Keywords: Marcuse, utopia, critical theory, freudo-marxism, humanism


The present paper pretends to offer a critical analysis of the utopian aspect of marcusianist humanism. It organizes around a general idea according to which H. Marcuse’s humanism is one of utopian type, owing much especially to a marxist conception developed in the framework of the critical theory of the Frankfurt School. This idea, as a working hypothesis, will be refined by means of succesive exposition of the historical-cultural context of the emergence of the marcusianist critical theory, of the theoretical argumens brought by Marcuse in support of the non-utopian character of his theory and of the eventual diffculties and objections that this theory can meet. Since the discussion comes about sheading light upon some (theoretical) utopian sources, the discussion will be put in terms of o program or project – of transition to a society different by quality, non-repressive, human, rational and happy – which is already, in a greater part by itself (method, object and porpose), and in a smaller one by sources, utopian. In the end, for reasons of avoiding the suspicion of subjectivism or inadequation, the analysis will focus on the confrontation of the theory with the historical reality, with the reserve that this reality is not complete (does not actualise every possibility) and thus is not a plausible criterion in the evaluation of the theory.
