Familia, între bioetică și drepturile omului
The Family is seen as reply of love Holy Thirds toward the creation. In an act of particular, God created man, at first in a single person, man and woman, because they, through the love of them, that created beings and limited, to rise, through the creation, the experience of sharing of love being uncreated and without limiting of time or space. To live a new dimension of capacity to love by entering communion with the source of life, of love, of light, of the existence. And as a fulfillment of his vocatiei being in love: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God; new commandment will give you: to love one another; that we love each other like in a going to be frank; greater love than this, that nobody has his soul and put it to his friends. Elemental family is the natural and fundamental part of society and is entitled to protection from society and the state. No Marriage cannot be completed without the free and full consent of the intending spouses prospective.