Inovații și încălcări ale normelor liturgice şi canonice privind Taina Spovedaniei

  • Nicolae D. Necula University of Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: confession, revelation, penance, sacraments, deviations, non-canonical liturgical practices


The Sacrament of Confession was instituted by Jesus Christ on the evening of His Holy Resurrection from the dead, when he sent the His Saints Apostles to preach, breathing on them and saying to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20, 20-23), the power to perform this work by giving them at Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit. Confession or Revelation is the Holy Sacrament where, by forgiving the sins committed, the man reconnects with Christ and the Church, this being the Mystery of the Christian’s spiritual rebirth, his spiritual regeneration and his straightening on the path of true Christian living. As with the other Holy Sacraments and sanctifying work of the church, also, in the case of this holy sacrament there are some practices inconsistent with church order and rules which encroach the production of its effects on the lives of believers. It is the case of routine and formalism, both from the clergyman who administers the Holy Sacrament and from the believer who confesses; from the testimony in a hurry, under time pressure, in inadequate time periods; confession is not done consciously and with honesty; public confession. These are some of the deficiencies that we encounter when administering the Holy Sacrament of confession and which must disappear. For this holy and sanctifying work to achieve the purpose for which it was established, it is required intense catechism activity, so that the believers know the ordinance or rule of conduct of this sanctifying work, which is so important in their lives.

Author Biography

Nicolae D. Necula, University of Bucharest, Romania

Pr. prof. dr. Nicolae D. Necula, Facultatea de Teologie „Patriarhul Justinian“, Universitatea din București

How to Cite
Necula, N. (2015). Inovații și încălcări ale normelor liturgice şi canonice privind Taina Spovedaniei. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 13, 19-26. Retrieved from
Sfânta Taină a Spovedaniei

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