Relația Stat – Biserica, în timpul împaratului Constantin cel Mare

  • Adrian Ignat “Wallachia“ University of Targoviste
Keywords: state, Church, Christendom, bishop, symphony


The relationship between State and Christian Church on the time of emperor Constantine the Great is defined as a symphony: this pattern was fallowed by the Byzantine Empire on its entire history. Some writers compared this symphony with the relationship between the human and divine natures on our Lord Jesus Christ. The temptations for cezaro-papism or papocezarism on the history of Christianity can be seen as a deterioration of this symphony. For that, the theocratic way of governance on the Byzantine Empire helps us to understand how Byzantine emperor and people succeed to create a civilization, an empire and a way of living.

Author Biography

Adrian Ignat, “Wallachia“ University of Targoviste

Pr. lect. dr. Adrian Ignat, Facultatea de Teologie și Științele Educației, Universitatea „Valahia“ din Târgoviște

How to Cite
Ignat, A. (2014). Relația Stat – Biserica, în timpul împaratului Constantin cel Mare. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 12, 241-258. Retrieved from
2013 – Anul omagial al Sfinților Împărați Constantin și Elena

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