Familia creştină între tradiţie şi modernitate

  • Leontin Popescu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: family, abortion, fertilization, church, micro-church, right to life, biblical attitude, solutions, control, embryos


Man has a unique position on earth and within the framework of creation. Any attempt to destroy human life is defiant and offensive towards God himself, as well as a violation of one of the fundamental commandments of divine law: “Thou shalt not kill!”.
Life is the most precious gift of God, given to human being. Nobody, except God, can dispose of human life. Neither the man himself has the right to abolish his life and, so much the more, no one has the right to suppress the other’s life. The human being is a unique existence with unexpected skills.
The practice of abortion, contraceptives and birth control within today’s marriage, in extramarital relationships and at random, are a crime against human life, especially to children, despite their meeting throughout human history, as a reality, constant, unfortunately, appeared and explained by many mankind’s representatives.
Herbs and practices that cause the abortion were used and were known all over. But in the old times, any method used to stop the birth was considered to be disallowed. Foetus has always been considered a full complete being. Abortion is regarded by the Church as murder, a homicide and it stands for spiritual poverty of the spouses.
What happens when you substitute technique to the carnal acts between husband and wife, with the aim of procreation? It happens that, in such matter, the result not to be appointed as being born in the sense of generated, but produced as any other product of consumerist society. When a baby is the fruit of the conjugal act, that means that he is generated from the love act.
Vitro Fertilization cannot be morally accepted if it creates supernumerary embryos, which are destroyed or used for medical experiments or commercially exploited. Production of supernumerary embryos is more severe consequences from the moral point of view.


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How to Cite
Popescu, L. (2011). Familia creştină între tradiţie şi modernitate. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 10, 203-265. Retrieved from https://www.gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/teologie/article/view/4542
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