The spread of Byzantine Hesychasm in the Romanian countries in the XIVth-XVth centuries

  • Cristian Gagu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: hesychasm, hermit, monasticism, monastery, culture, Romanian Countries


The flowering of Hesychast spirituality in the Byzantine Empire in the 13th and 14th centuries influenced, over time, the development of the spiritual life of the Orthodox peoples in the Balkans and the north of the Danube. From the 14th century onwards, hesychastic spirituality began to penetrate to the left of the Danube, first in Wallachia, and then spread to other Romanian provinces. The present study aims to highlight the main ways of penetrating hesychastic spirituality in Romanian countries, to follow its spread and development in these places and to highlight its role and importance in the evolution and development of church and cultural life of Romanians.


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How to Cite
Gagu, C. (2022). The spread of Byzantine Hesychasm in the Romanian countries in the XIVth-XVth centuries. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 20, 116-130. Retrieved from
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