Reprezentarea canonică a Sfintei Treimi în iconografia ortodoxă. Studiu revăzut şi adăugit

  • Cristian Gagu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: icon, orthodox iconographic canon, Holy Trinity, Philoxenia of Abraham, Filioque, Andrei Rubliov


The iconography of the Holy Trinity represents an extremely important issue, considering that the icon must fully express the truth of the Churchʼs faith, and current at the same time, since in church painting we can easily observe deviations from the canon of orthodoxy. That is precisely why, appealing to both the Orthodox and the Catholic bibliography, the present study aims to bring to the attention of theologians, clergy, iconographers and, why not, the laity alike, in a succinct presentation, the question of iconography and, implicitly, of the iconology of the Holy Trinity, to understand which representations are canonical and which are not, to correctly choose the icon of the Holy Trinity that can be painted and honored, in churches or in the home of every Christian.


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How to Cite
Gagu, C. (2024). Reprezentarea canonică a Sfintei Treimi în iconografia ortodoxă. Studiu revăzut şi adăugit. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 21, 117-158. Retrieved from