De la frumuseţea artei la arta frumuseţii. Pictura, sculptura şi muzica în reflecţiile patristice despre Om şi Viaţa duhovnicească (Partea a II-a)

  • Gina Luminița Scarlat Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: Patristic tradition, art, statue, beauty, paradigm, hermeneutics, spiritual life


This study represents the second part of the project dedicated to researching the patristic, anthropological and spiritual meanings of painting, sculpture and music. His main theme is the highlighting and analysis of the dogmatic and spiritual meanings of the techniques of making statues in patristic contexts, from the Greek theological tradition, about man and the spiritual life. The selection of texts was based on the principle of their representativeness. The study sheds light on the appreciation of the sculpture by the Holy Fathers and its use as an example for understanding the human structure, education and the spiritual reason of man.

How to Cite
Scarlat, G. (2022). De la frumuseţea artei la arta frumuseţii. Pictura, sculptura şi muzica în reflecţiile patristice despre Om şi Viaţa duhovnicească (Partea a II-a). Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 20, 207-234. Retrieved from

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