Vasili Vronski, destinul unui actor rus în România (1922-1952)

  • Ala Găină Universitatea din București
Keywords: Vasiliy Vronsky, Russian emigration, Russian diaspora, white émigré, activity of Russian émigrés in Romania


The article aims to present the cultural activity of Vasiliy Vronsky, actor and Russian immigrant to interwar and postwar Romania. The materials used to make this article come from primary sources: interwar newspapers and the Archives of the Former Romanian Secret Services. At the same time, the article presents the positive attitude of the Romanian public towards the actor's activity and describes people's reaction towards various theatrical performances played on the Romanian stage. It also specifies the collaborations that Vasiliy Vronsky had with other personalities of Russian emigration, his tours in Romania, but also it includes unique information about the last period of his life.
