Mutații ale formei plastice în impresionism și cubism. Către o posibilă teorie a „revoluțiilor artistice”

  • Vincentziu Pușcașu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: modernity, modern art, avant-garde, impressionism, cubism, artistic revolution


This article questions the attributes and chronology of two artistic paradigms - Impressionism and Cubism. Starting from the already established theories regarding the two artistic currents, my study foreshadows the characteristics of the frond attitude, of the tendencies to reject the classical canon, of the protestant and dissident artistic spirit, respectively of the specific tensions and debates regarding artistic form and content. Starting from these, the present article proposes the possibility of analyzing modern art in the spirit of the revolutionary attitude. Also, the article proposes revisiting and resemanticizing the concept of "artistic revolution of modernity".

Arte Plastice