Tracul de scenă - metode de depășire a acestuia prin tehnici de mindfulness

  • Adelina Diaconu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: stage fright, overcoming methods, mindfulness, musicians


The term mindfulness refers to a way of connecting to oneself. The concept is taken from ancient Buddhist meditation techniques, but today it is known as a technique by which attention is intentionally focused on the present moment and accepting, without judgment, the thoughts, emotions and sensations present in our body. Mindfulness-based therapy is used by psychotherapists to relieve symptoms of stress, physical pain, but also to treat a variety of more serious psychological symptoms and problems. Every artist wants to have a positive experience on stage. It is possible, however, that the emotions that precede the event, trigger unwanted reactions in his body: tremors, sweating, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, respiratory deficiencies, muscle tension, dizziness, etc. If these reactions in the body affect and disrupt the performance, preventing you from having a positive experience, it means that you have stage fright. Stage fright is often associated with a negatively perceived past event. The emotional response, the basic feeling in this case, is FEAR (and the result can be, for example, disappointment). Fear is that part of emotional behavior that most influences the sequence of mechanical movements, the mental state and the breathing process. If one part of this "chain" of systems becomes blocked, other parts involved in the interpretation process also become blocked. The body thus signals through behavior what is happening on an emotional level.
