Structuri și strategii ale imaginarului poetic cernian. Condiționari și redefiniri interbelice

  • Valentina-Luminiţa Carp (Tanasiuc)
Keywords: Panait Cerna, Eminescianism, Romance, literary movement


At a time when Eminescu's lyric eclipsed in a natural and absolute lyrical way that succeeded him, yet the spiritual essence of the Romanian Anneam was not exhausted. On the contrary, there have also appeared poets who, without reaching Luceafar's size, have ascended to a higher level of the artistic expression due to the power of a talent and by capitalizing on acquisitions of modern French or German poetry. It is the case of Panait Cerna who was considered by the junimists and Mihail Dragomirescu a real genius. As it is known, the cernian poetry has had contradictory stages of reception, moving from maximal appreciation to some less favorable during the interwar period. He noted himself through the sincerity and winged momentum of the verse, through the sobriety of expression, but also by addressing the Eminescian themes. There were critics who considered Panait Cerna's poetry to be characterized by pure rationalism, lack of spontaneity, exaggeration of the use of comparison and symbolism. Then there was the emotion of ideas, the meditative sentiment corroborated with the pathetic attitude, the enthusiasm stemming from an overwhelming thirst for life, an overwhelming optimism. All these characteristics, as well as the social themes, in part of the narrative and pacifist fact, as well as the romantic nature of Cerna, oriented especially towards the erotic theme, to the embarrassment of his inner life and to his moral preoccupation, make the writer's poetry to be part of the representative literature for the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century.

How to Cite
Carp (Tanasiuc), V.-L. “Structuri și Strategii Ale Imaginarului Poetic Cernian. Condiționari și Redefiniri Interbelice”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 25, no. 1, July 2018, pp. 225-37, doi: