Reprezentări ale ekphrasis‐ului în romanul Dansatoarea lui Degas de Kathryn Wagner

  • Steluța Bătrânu
Keywords: ekphrasis, image, text, visual discourse, verbal discourse


This paper aims to investigate the dual role of visual and verbal discourse in the hospitable space of Romanian novels, inside a piece of writing that is capable to explore the spatial and temporal determined imaginary universe. This approach seeks to demonstrate that the narrative text summarizes different means of execution‐expression, the ekphrastic description proving the efficiency of the aesthetic through a return to beauty, which is a transparent quality that gives this form of art variety and complexity among the other art forms. Specific analysis
tools are used (such as literary, artistic and hermeneutial analysis), aimed to disclose the shift from a verbal register to a visual one, asymptotically structured, but also to recreate the ekphrasis phemomenon that is related to the image captured in its ephemeral state. The expected result is to reassemble the narrative of the Romanian universe in the novel by Kathryn Wagner, Dancing for Degas, who, like
Tracy Chevalier in Girl with a Pearl Earring or Zoé Valdés in The huntress of stars, confines the transition of the literary form of the narrative to the artistic one.  The melting of the two related forms of art, literature and painting, imply a comparative examination of the two types of narratives, their relationship with the language of art, from an inter‐ and transdisciplinary perspective, to help redefining
a multidimensional pattern of analysis to literature approach.

How to Cite
Bătrânu, S. “Reprezentări Ale Ekphrasis‐ului în Romanul Dansatoarea Lui Degas De Kathryn Wagner”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 23, no. 2, July 2018, pp. 160-7,