The relevance of the romanticism movement in Romania

  • Alexandra Măriuca Cîrstea Universitatea din Craiova
Keywords: romanticism, movements, spirituality, controversies


Over time, various discussions on Romanian romanticism have triggered various controversies. Although it seems to stimulate research, these attempts prove undeniable, even tend to restrain them. There is nothing new in the statement that here, unlike other areas of esthetics, prejudice that romance as a means of artistic translation below the realistic creation process must be avoided as much as possible and such as supporting the claim that in the order of literary currents, "romanticism would have given only second-hand values" According to literary critics interpretations, "everything best in the writings of Grigore Alexandrescu, Negruzzi, Kogalniceanu and especially Eminescu belongs to critical realism". These impairments were due not only to a poor understanding of the relations between movements but also the false impression that everything that is not realistic is anti-realistic. But if this is not the truth in the cultural plan, in the historical-national plan, romanticism is equivalent to innovation and the affirmation of the Romanian spirituality. Therefore, there is no doubt that this connection between the Romanian romantic current and the historical context, a beneficial and solid connection, requires a re-evaluation of the norms on the basis of which romanticism was confined to the purely literary meaning of only half a century.

How to Cite
Cîrstea, A. “The Relevance of the Romanticism Movement in Romania”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 27, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 148-54,