Audiobookurile – adaptare postpandemică a pieții de carte din România

  • Daniela Bogdan Universitatea Dunarea De Jos Galați
Keywords: audiobooks, book market, audience, global trend, streaming applications


Audiobook readers represent only one percent of the total number of book readers in Romania. A small market which developed in the pandemic, following the global trend and absorbing a segment of the young population, but not the teenagers. There are two e-book and audiobook streaming applications in Romania that are successful, which allow access to information on a subscription basis and are not sufficiently known in all environments. As a trend, in Romania, the audiobook doesn’t replace the print! The act of buying the book comes as a final form of content validation: usually the reader wants to keep it in print because he/she enjoyed it so much in an electronic form. We are glad that the book market in Romania is adapting, but above all it is gaining new followers, among young people, even if the road is long and arduous!

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