Structural 3D and 1D modelling of a barge hull for strength assessment on head waves condition

  • Elisabeta Burlacu “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
  • Leonard Domnișoru “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: global strength, equivalent design wave, head wave condition.


For the design of ship structures, the hull global strength in the case of head waves is one of the first analysis required by shipbuilding rules. For the strength analysis the 1D and 3D-FEM models can be used, according to the design level information. In both cases the head equivalent design waves (EDW) are used linked to a non-linear iterative algorithm for the wave-ship system balance. The balanced algorithm is directly implemented into the FEM program by user procedures for the 3D models. For the 1D models a program code has been developed. As numerical study we consider a prismatic closed section floating structure, pointing out the influence of the wave height on the stresses at the main panels and the vertical bending moments and shear forces.


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How to Cite
Burlacu E, Domnișoru L. Structural 3D and 1D modelling of a barge hull for strength assessment on head waves condition. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XI Shipbuilding [Internet]. 31Dec.2017 [cited 7Feb.2025];40:85-4. Available from:

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