Identitatea culturală în context european. „Ideea naţională” în perioada paşoptistă

  • Luciana Chiric “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: national identity, synchronization, literature, Romanian culture


In the early 18th century, the national idea became very stimulant and had a dynamic impact upon the whole intellectual life, on the background of the process of segregating nationalities from central and south-eastern Europe. During the 1830-1840, the national idea means recognizing the community of language, origin, and aspirations of the Romanians. The identity of the Romanian people is defined with the establishment of the Romanian language and the development of modern literature. In the study În contra direcției de astăzi în cultura română, Titu Maiorescu promotes a new theory regarding the forms without a foundation, pointing out that we must not borrow forms that do not fit our national background. The critical spirit encourages national consciousness and strives to identify the ideal in Romanian spirituality. The sense of the Romanians’ cultural marginalization in relation to Western civilizations.


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