Presa românească din TRANSILVANIA ŞI Banat, în perioada Primului Război Mondial

  • Cătălin Negoiţă “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: Central Powers, Antanta, Romania, press, Transilvania


World War l has, irreparably, marked the history of humanity by the extent of the damage and the huge number of casualties. "The Great War" meant, alongside the trench warfare, also a battle of propaganda, encountered, especially in the gazettes of that time. They lined up to the Official Policy of the State and contributed, through the messages submitted to the readers, to support the war effort. This paper aims to present the manner in which the Romanian press from Transilvania and Banat was reported, which were the pivotal concerns, and especially, what was their attitude towards the new enemy, arriving in 1916, in Romania.


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How to Cite
Negoiţă, C. “Presa Românească Din TRANSILVANIA ŞI Banat, în Perioada Primului Război Mondial”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 20, no. 2, Nov. 2018, pp. 152-61,