Formele unirii în geopolitica europeană

  • Michael Metzeltin Institut fur Romanistik, Viena
Keywords: European Community, geopolitics, sovereignty, Treaty of Lisbon, Union, European Union


If we look at the European history of the Middle Ages, we can see a slow process of concentration in the states that led in the 19th and 20th centuries in the formation of the national states. Several of them originate from a union of smaller state entities. The reasons for the union were different, often fighting an oppressive hegemon, but the result was generally a union of citizens who constitute the sovereign. Ever since the end of the Second World War, some hegemonic forces with a dubious legitimacy have been trying to overlap over the European states a supra-state union in which it is not clear who the sovereign is and who are the true beneficiaries. Based on an analytical model of the union concept, our paper outlines the issues of sovereignty and the distribution of the benefits fought by the national states and which the European Union must resolve.

How to Cite
Metzeltin, M. “Formele Unirii în Geopolitica Europeană”. Analele Universității "Dunărea De Jos" Din Galați. Fascicula XXIV, Lexic Comun / Lexic Specializat, Vol. 19, no. 1, Nov. 2018, pp. 15-30,

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