The Evolution of the Characteristics of Mechanical Resistance for the Nitro-Carburrized Treated Steel, after Thermo-Magnetic Treatment

  • Carmen Penelopi PAPADATU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: durability, characteristics of mechanical resistance, thermomagnetic treatments, thermo-chemical treatmen, hardness, wear process


The aim of the research was to study the evolution of the characteristics of mechanical resistance for one type of steel. The material was subjected to the thermo-chemical (nitro-carburized treatment in plasma) treatment applied after thermo- magnetic treatments. The structural and diffractometric aspects of the superficial layers of the steel are studied after the wear process, using an Amsler type machine, taking two sliding degrees at different contact pressures and testing in time. The tests were done to detect the sustainability to the material, the evolution of the superficial layer characteristics through different tests and to establish the influence of these thermo-magnetic treatments regimes.
The magnetic field modifies the grain size in the material structure. It was obtained a small grain size in the middle of the sample and the orientation of these grains is in the same direction with the lines of the magnetic field.
It was made a balance sheet between classic treatment and unconventional (thermo-magnetic) treatment.

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How to Cite
PAPADATU CP. The Evolution of the Characteristics of Mechanical Resistance for the Nitro-Carburrized Treated Steel, after Thermo-Magnetic Treatment. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2014 [cited 14Feb.2025];37(3):60-4. Available from: