The scientific referee committee consists in competent teaching staff in the domains covered by the journal from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, and other universities in Romania and abroad.
The domains covered by the journal are the following:
- elaboration and casting of the metallic alloys;
- plastic deformations and thermal treatments;
- technologies and special materials;
- nanotechnologies and nanomaterials;
- equipments and aggregates;
- control and optimizing of the processes;
- engineering and management of resources and environment;
- environmental pollution and protection;
- sustainable development.
For a good international visibility, the papers are written in English.
The qualitative level of the journal is permanently improved through raising the visibility degree, the way of selecting the papers their editing conditions, respecting the elaboration-editing stated date of the papers and publication of the journal.
The evaluation is made according to a manuscript review form approved by the editorial council, each paper being reviewed, independently by two specialists (single blind peer review), the possible disagreements being analyzed and solved by the editing board.
If the article is rejected by at least one of the reviewers, it will not be published.
This review respects the international standards.