Structure of the Eutectoid Zn-Al Alloy Obtained by Directed Solidification
Zn-Al alloys, directed solidification, microstructure, dilatometric analysis, microhardness
This work analyses the structure of the eutectoid Zn-Al based alloy directionally solidified, with cooling rates ranging between 8.5-0.4 oC/sec. During cooling, the temperature gradient in the liquidus zone, respectively of the eutectoid transformation, changed within the ranges of 0.6-4.6, respectively 1.2-6.4 oC/mm. The results of the dilatometric analyses and of microhardness on different crystalline areas are presented.
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How to Cite
AGAPIE M, VARGA B. Structure of the Eutectoid Zn-Al Alloy Obtained by Directed Solidification. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2014 [cited 15Sep.2024];37(1):76-0. Available from: