Physical-Chemical Properties of (Cu-Sn) -Mo Composite Materials

  • I. N. GRECHANYUK Kiev National University of Building and Architecture, Ukraine
  • V. G. GRECHANYUK Kiev National University of Building and Architecture, Ukraine
  • Y. U. ARTUH Kiev National University of Building and Architecture, Ukraine
Keywords: Composite Materials, Corrosive and Thermal Stability


The article is devoted to the study of corrosive and thermal stability of materials composition on the basis of copper, obtained by the EB-PVD method.
It is shown in this work that corrosion of (Cu-Sn)–Mo composites have got the electrochemical mechanism from dissolution of a more active metal of molybdenum. Chemical composition of composite material affects corrosive properties of material: at the increase of maintenance of molybdenum in the copper matrix corrosive and thermal stability is decreasing, in comparison with the pure copper. The special decreasing of the corrosive stability is definite during concentration of molybdenum of about 12.56 %. This is explained by the considerable increase of quantity of micro-galvanic pairs.

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How to Cite
GRECHANYUK IN, GRECHANYUK VG, ARTUH YU. Physical-Chemical Properties of (Cu-Sn) -Mo Composite Materials. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2009 [cited 7Mar.2025];32(1):5-. Available from: